J D O Podcast/Check it
I had a great time talking with David @brbjdo about everything from medical devices to Joan Didion to why writers shouldn't be teachers. Check it out.
I had a great time talking with David @brbjdo about everything from medical devices to Joan Didion to why writers shouldn't be teachers. Check it out.
The launch of Where Night Stops got pushed a month to February 13, 2018. Which is good. Because I'm getting that damn-Christmas-is-only-a-week-or-so-off-and-I've-gotten-presents-yet sort of feeling. And I pretty much think everyone else is stress-thinking of the holidays too—which ever one that is—and not about book launches.
A list of things dogs can't eat
The countdown is on (83 days until my novel Where Night Stops is released) and we raked up 15 50-bags of leaves over the weekend and our pup is sick but now has medicine so hopefully he'll feel better and every year I say "I'm going to plan ahead this year" and then the holiday arrives and I have no plans and everything is booked and I'm like "Next time, I'll plan." Anyway, this is my painting and list of things dog's can't/shouldn't eat.